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Gender data portals

Here you will find gender data portals which can be used to explore and analyze global, regional, and county level gender and health data. This evidence can be used for understanding gender related information, providing analyses that inform policy choices, assessing country progress in improving RMNCAH-N, and making informed decisions. You can search for relevant information/data and export and download findings. Many of the data portals also have additional resources, including reports, tools, and ready to use statistics on gender, RMNCAH-N, and other health topics.

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Gender data portals

Here you will find gender data portals which can be used to explore and analyze global, regional, and county level gender and health data. This evidence can be used for understanding gender related information, providing analyses that inform policy choices, assessing country progress in improving RMNCAH-N, and making informed decisions. You can search for relevant information/data and export and download findings. Many of the data portals also have additional resources, including reports, tools, and ready to use statistics on gender, RMNCAH-N, and other health topics.

Gender data portals

World Bank Gender Data Portal
The World Bank’s Gender Data Portal makes the latest gender statistics accessible through narratives and data visualizations, to improve the understanding of gender data and provide analyses that inform policy choices. It covers topics including Population, SGDs, Children (0-14 years), Youth (15-24 years), Asserts, Education, Employment, Entrepreneurship, Environment, Health, Leadership, Norms and Decision making, Technology, Violence, and Contextual. 

UNDP Gender Equality Index
The UNDP Gender Equality Index (GII) analyses gender-inequality data in reproductive health, empowerment, and the labor market for countries with available data. It shows the loss in potential human development due to inequality between men and women ranging from 0, where women and men fare equally, to 1, where one gender fares as poorly as possible in all measured dimensions. 

World Economic Forum Gender Gap Index
The Global Gender Gap Index shows the current state and evolution of the gender parity among men and women globally and across regions in four key dimensions (Economic Participation and Opportunity, Educational Attainment, Health and Survival, and Political Empowerment). 

AfDB Gender Data Portal AfDB Gender data portal provides data for all countries in Africa on 79 gender indicators. One can view country profiles, compare countries with various indicators using visualizations, export, download and print data.  

OECD Gender Data Portal
The OECD Gender Data Portal includes selected indicators on gender inequalities in education, employment, entrepreneurship, governance, health, and development, showing how far we are from achieving gender equality and where actions are most needed. The data cover OECD member countries as well as partner economies of Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, and South Africa. One can download and print data as well. 

UN Women Data Portal 
The UN Women Data Portal features the progress that is being made to achieve gender equality, showing the latest data on gender specific SDG indicators. One can explore country profiles and compare geographic regions using visualizations. 

Provides tools that help decision makers to analyze Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) at global, regional, and country levels. Requires a subscription to access. 


Data portals with gender relevant data

GFF Data Portal
The Global Financing Facility (GFF) Data Portal provides a platform for assessing Reproductive Maternal, Newborn, Children, and Adolescent Health and Nutrition (RMNCAH-N) for 36 GFF partner countries. It provides data on RMNCAH-N, health systems, and financing to facilitate decision-making on policy, planning, and implementation purposes. The portal contains core output, outcome, and impact RMNCAH-N indicators that are collected by governments and development partners through existing surveys and reporting systems. Gender equality data is included under key themes.

WHO Maternal, Newborn, Child, Adolescent Health and Ageing Data Portal
The WHO maternal, newborn, child, adolescent health, and ageing data portal contains the most up to date regional and country health data organized in the areas of maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health, and ageing. One can generate and download charts and maps, and export data files as well.  There are links to other departments within the WHO and UN agencies, where additional data and information in specific areas of interest can be found. 

Countdown 2030 RMNCAH, Early Childhood and Equity Country Profiles
The portal presents data that can be used to assess country progress in improving women’s, children’s, and adolescents’ health. It allows one to filter countries from the drop-down list and to download the country’s information. 

UNICEF Adolescent Data Portal
The UNICEF adolescent data portal shows global, regional, and country-level data on key indicators and information on the socio-economic contexts in which adolescents live. The portal includes globally comparable indicators, closely linked to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It features a selection of key indicators on Health and Nutrition, Education and Learning, Protection, and Transition to Work. 

FP2030 Data Hub
The FP2030 Data Hub contains a set of core indicators that capture information on contraceptive use, method choice, quality, availability, and other key aspects of family planning programs. It has a dashboard that can be used to look up data for key indicators, see trends over time, compare countries and answer analysis questions. The portal also has summaries on family planning indicators for all low- and middle-income countries, data on adolescents and youth, and progress reports.  

UNFPA Population Data Portal 
This is UNFPA’s data source and tracker for population and development. The portal features over 200 indicators on sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights, maternal health, and gender-based violence. With its user-friendly visualizations, one can explore data by topic and analyze the progress across different geographical areas at national and subnational level.  One can export, download and pint data. 

COMSA (Mozambique only)
The Countrywide Mortality Surveillance for Action (COMSA) is led and implemented by the Government of Mozambique through the National Institute of Statistics and the National Institute of Health with technical assistance and advice from Johns Hopkins University. It aims to improve the lives of Mozambicans by producing continuous annual data on pregnancies, pregnancy outcomes, death and causes of death at national and provincial levels for use by the government and policymakers.